Taken a sick day? Here’s how to tell if you’re well enough to return to work or school

Taken a sick day? Here’s how to tell if you’re well enough to return to work or school

You’ve already taken a sick day to recover from your cold and are feeling a little better, but you’re still not 100 percent recovered.

So are you going back to work or taking another day off?

Here’s how to decide which is best for you.

How long does it take to recover from a cold?

Most people recover from colds. Within seven to ten days Without any treatment, says Todd Miller, acting chief medical officer at government-funded website Healthdirect Australia.

But recovery times vary — not just depending on the virus, but depending on the individual.

“Medical conditions and other lifestyle factors can have a big impact on your immune system, and therefore recovery times,” says Dr. Miller.

How long should you stay away from getting sick with a cold?

It’s hard to say because everyone is different.

but It may take a few days.Sanjaya Senanayake, an infectious diseases physician and chief medical officer at Canberra Hospital, says:

“If you are sick with the flu, RSV or COVID, those first few days when you have symptoms is when you should stay home,” says Dr. Senanayake.

But it is still possible to get rid of the virus after three to five days.This means you could infect your colleagues.

When should you return to work or school?

Dr. Miller says people should consider returning to work or school. when they feel okay OrWhen their acute symptoms disappear

Acute symptoms to watch for include:

  • Fever
  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing
  • sore throat

“In addition, since many viruses can cause a cold-like illness, it is possible to get several colds one after the other because a different virus causes each one,” says Dr. Miller.

What if you feel “mostly” better?

“If someone is feeling mostly better, but is not sure they are still contagious, they may Consider wearing a mask. And Maintain physical distancing “Wherever possible,” says Dr. Miller.

You should too Practice good hand hygiene..

If you are able to Work from homeYou should do it.

“It is possible to still be contagious even though you do not have symptoms, and it is also possible to be contagious before you have symptoms.”

Since the pandemic began, most people have become accustomed to seeing face masks, says Dr. Senanayake.

“If you get past those first few days and your symptoms are now gone… you can probably wear a mask for two days and say you had a viral infection,” he says.

Let’s say you don’t cough but you still have a headache and feel a little uncomfortable.

You may think that technically you can still work, but Dr. Senanayake points out that you still have headaches and feel bad.

“If you’re sick, you’re sick,” he says.

Could coming back early make it worse?

“Returning to work or school too early can prolong symptoms of colds, flu, and similar respiratory viruses, and may affect your ability to rest and stay hydrated,” says Dr. Miller.

“In addition, exposure to stress — whether physical or mental — can have a negative impact on your immune system.”

Man wearing face mask sits at Brisbane bus station, bus in background blurred

You can wear a face mask to work if you are concerned that you are still contagious. (ABC News: Mark Leonardi)

Am I entitled to paid sick leave?

all employees They are entitled to sick leave, Except for persons working on a temporary basis, The Fair Work Ombudsman website says:.

How many paid sick days do you get each year?

Full-time employees are entitled to 10 days Of paid sick leave per year.

that it proportional For part-time employees, it depends on the number of hours they work.

This can be calculated as follows: 1/26 of the employee’s normal working hours per yearAs stated on the Ombudsman’s website.

but, Sick leave accumulates over the years, So any sick days you don’t use in one year carry over to the next year.

The Ombudsman says employees can take sick leave as much as they have accumulated. As long as they have accumulated their leave, There is no limit to how much they can eat at one time..

How many days can you take leave before needing a medical certificate?

It depends on where you work.

The Ombudsman website says Employees may be required to provide evidence “for a sum not less than One day or less out of work”.

“An employee who does not provide evidence to their employer when asked to do so may not be entitled to pay for their sick leave or carer’s leave,” the Ombudsman says.

It is a good idea to look at the terms of your employment award or agreement for details on this.

However, the Ombudsman says the type of evidence required “must always be reasonable in the circumstances”.

What kind of evidence do you need to provide to get sick leave?

there There are no hard and fast rules. On that.

The Ombudsman says it should only be so.convince a reasonable person “The employee was actually entitled to sick leave or parental leave.”

Usually, it is medical certificate, Which you can get from your doctor and some pharmacies.

but Legal Notice It can also be an acceptable form of evidence.

People with MyGov accounts can apply. Digital Commonwealth Legal Declaration Without the need for a physical witness.

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