St. Lucia Remixes Heartracer’s Edge Of My Heart

Stripping away the earnestness of Heartracer’s latest single “Edge of My Heart” by reducing the instrumentation to beat-focused synthesized percussion and finger snaps, St. Lucia, a.k.a. Jean-Philip Grobler, turns the mild, ‘80s-influenced synth-pop single into a funky and mesmerizing midtempo post-midnight banger. While the original version posits you in a 1968 Mustang convertible on the PCH, the remix transports you to the dancefloor after the hard roll of the drugs slows to a comfortable buzz. It’s intoxicating and tranquil, your body swaying rhythmically to the percolating beats.

Known for his atmospheric and modish remixes of Passion Pit’s “Constant Conversation” and Joywave’s “Somebody New,” Grobler denudes the original and injects massive amounts of air and space, augmented ethereally by the increased reverb and echo on Chris Cosby’s vocals. “I had loads of fun working on ‘Edge Of My Heart’,” says Grobler. “For me, a remix starts with the vocals — and Chris’ melody led me right to the spot between the light and the dark. It feels like the perfect song for the moment a lingering summer finally gives way to autumn.”

Take a listen to St. Lucia’s hypnotic remix of Heartracer’s “Edge of My Heart” which PopWrapped premieres today!

For more information on Heartracer, visit their website, give their page a like on Facebook or follow them on Instagram.