AMD appears to have delayed the launch of the Ryzen 9000 Zen 5 processor due to a typo in the CPU itself. Model names can be confusing, especially when you have multiple new Ryzen 9000 series processors across three product lines, but it seems that manufacturers themselves can sometimes mix up their products.
In this case, it appears that the Ryzen 7 9700X has been mislabeled as a Ryzen 9 model, with the resulting name, Ryzen 9 9700X, It was spotted in a review. By common spotted eagle eye @9550pro.
For any diehard AMD followers of the highly anticipated launch, this certainly doesn’t seem right as the X700X was always going to be a Ryzen 7 and not a Ryzen 9, with Ryzen 9 being introduced on desktop CPUs with the Ryzen 9 3950X, having previously reached Ryzen 7 with the likes of the Ryzen 7 1800X. Fortunately, (although whoever slipped up is probably having a very hard time right now), this means that there’s likely nothing physically wrong with the CPUs under the heat spreader, That’s more than can be said about Intel at the moment.
AMD pushed back the launch of the Ryzen 9000 to July 31 last week, strangely confirming that there were no issues with the manufacturing process or the CPUs themselves. Leaving one wondering what the real problem with such a major move is delaying the launch of a major product, which it must be said is extremely rare for products of this caliber, rumors have been circulating on social media and forums since the delay was announced last week.
It was ironic that Intel had a potentially massive stability issue at the same time, potentially affecting millions of 13th and 14th Gen CPU owners. AMD was at least working hard to fix things before the actual launch, but you can’t really ship a product with a major typo. In fact, that’s probably worse than shipping a defective product with a fix released later — not many people would even realize it.
It remains to be seen whether this will affect the availability of the new CPUs when they launch, as the company is pulling everything affected by the typo and presumably needs to reprint the heat spreaders. It’s also possible that the packaging was affected if the same incorrect details were passed through the same channels.
However, the company seems confident enough to push back the launch by just one week, at least for the Ryzen 5 9600X and Ryzen 7 9700X, which will now launch on August 8. They will be followed by the Ryzen 9 9900X and Ryzen 9 9950X on August 15.
The only bad thing to come out of this debacle, if this is indeed the reason AMD delayed the launch, is that whoever made the mistake is probably very sleep deprived, and enthusiasts who planned to buy new Ryzen 9000 CPUs this week will instead have to wait until August 8 for the less than 12-month-old models and mid-August for the Ryzen 9 models.
I’ll be reviewing the new Ryzen 9000 CPUs next week, so follow me here on Forbes using the blue button below, Facebook or Youtube For the latest news and analysis criteria.